Welcome to The Throne Room Worship Experience
TTRWE is a non-denominational worship experience
premised on the revelation of God as the ultimate King.

About Us
The Throne Room Worship Experience
The Throne Room Worship Experience is a non-denominational gathering inspired by the revelation of God as the ultimate King, as depicted in Revelation 4:8-11 and Isaiah 6:1-5.
More than a music concert or event, it is an open invitation to step into the magnificent presence of God—to behold His surpassing splendour and glory and to experience an encounter that can change your life forever.
When we worship God sincerely and wholeheartedly—in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24)—His divine response manifests in extraordinary ways: Prophecies, Words of Wisdom, Words of Knowledge, Miracles, Signs, Wonders, Healing, Deliverance, and, most importantly, the Salvation of souls.
Surely, His manifest presence makes the difference. Come and encounter the King like never before.

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Relive the powerful moments of worship, encounter the manifest presence of God, and be inspired by testimonies from past editions. Each session is a divine experience that will stir your spirit, uplift your soul, and strengthen your faith.
Don’t miss the chance to prepare your heart for the next Throne Room Worship Experience!
The Convener
About The Convener
Paul Ajibola is passionate about making known the manifest presence of God in every sphere of life. To him, worship is not an act or art but a lifestyle. Music is but one of the means to actualize this purpose.
He has hosted many gospel programs all aimed at ensuring Jesus is revealed and glorified and that God's people encounter the King. He believes God's manifest presence should be the hallmark of our worship experience. Nothing less and nothing else will do.
Paul Ajibola is a song writer, music minister and Pastor. He is the Team Lead of Manifest Presence International and the host of The Throne Room Worship Experience that holds annually in Owerri, Nigeria.

Next Edition
Upcoming Event
Step into God’s magnificent presence and experience Prophecies, Words of Wisdom, Miracles, Healing, Deliverance, and most importantly, the Salvation of souls. It’s more than just a worship event—it’s an encounter with the ultimate King!
Don’t miss out on this divine appointment. Invite your family and friends!
👉 Stay tuned for updates or visit our YouTube channel to relive past editions.

Live Transforming Testimonies
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Whether through your time, skills, or resources, your contribution can help bring countless souls closer to God.